dimanche 7 octobre 2012

Un week-end à Srinagar au Cachemire - Srinagar in Kashmere

notre house-boat, bateau-maison à fond plat en cèdre
our hostel on a boat...

vue sur l'Himalaya au coucher du soleil
and what a view from the balcony!

Mosquée Shah Hamden
and the minaret looks more like a stupa

Les pièces de bois sont ajustées sans aucun clou
you can look closier; you will not find any nail

On n'a pas fait de folie d'achats
in Srinagar also it was the fashion week!

La pirogue pour aller.....
Srinagar is covered by lakes and this is the usual transport mode

... au marché flottant, à 5 h du matin
the floating maket where the vegetables grown up on the islands in the lakes are sold every early morning

féerie des barques des marchands de légumes
you cannot see them; but there are more than 15 boats around

et retour à notre house-boat entre les nénuphars (propres à la consommation des vaches)
the lakes are covered with water lilies which are collected for feeding the cows